5 mistakes to avoid while programming

3 min readOct 7, 2021

It is often said that success leaves clues. But all too often successful people don’t share their secrets. Why? Maybe because of the mistakes they made along the way.

Mistakes to Avoid

1. Forgetting to use keywords and common names
2. Using abbreviations or acronyms when the meaning is not clear
3. Putting an instruction in the wrong place
4. Not using comments to describe what you are doing
5. Adding instructions in the wrong order

Common Traps for Young Programmers

Young programmers are usually inexperienced in debugging, finding bugs or other roadblocks, and handling these issues. They are also inexperienced when it comes to writing code that is reusable, safe, and future-proof. Dangerous programming habits are often borne out of ignorance rather than malice or laziness.

The Stress of Programming

You may find that programming is a lot more stressful then you thought it was, especially when you’re trying to learn something new. The stress of programming can be due to the complexity of the programming language, or it could be because you are trying to program something new. It’s important to remember that if you are feeling overwhelmed by your current project or process, it’s important to take a step back and assess what is causing these feelings.

Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

How to Avoid Building a Wrong Code

One of the most common mistakes that programmers make is forgetting to clear input. This mistake may cause serious consequences in programs coded for data-sensitive applications. To avoid building a wrong program, it’s important to make sure you’ve cleared all input before proceeding with any tasks.

Tips to Improve Productivity

Programming is a difficult task that often takes a lot of time. However, there are some simple things you can do to make it easier. For example, have a good programming environment set up so you are happy and comfortable when working. The biggest mistake many programmers make is ignoring how their work impacts other people on the project. It’s important to know how your work affects others and if it has any unforeseen consequences.

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The Importance of Hobbies and Interests

One of the biggest mistakes I see when working with my fellow programmers is that they lack any other interests or hobbies. They work and then take a break to do nothing. If you want to be a successful programmer it is important to be passionate about programming and enjoy doing it. Hobbies and interests can also provide different perspectives on challenges in coding. yeah that's it for today!🙏

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